Events,Hi Mag l by admin l 31 Oct 2023     - 1262

Swiss Circle Sri Lanka 90th Anniversary

The Swiss Circle Sri Lanka was incorporated in 1933. It promotes social activities and friendships within the Swiss community of Sri Lanka and encourages friendly interaction with locals and affiliates in order to provide an interesting and enriched cultural experience for their members and wider Swiss community. The 90th Anniversary was celebrated under the Patronage of the Swiss Ambassador Designate, Guest of Honour State Minister of Foreign Affairs Tharaka Balasuriya and special guests of Switzerland neighbouring countries with the German and French Ambassador attending the function. A specially curated performance by the Chamber Music Society of Colombo formed the artistic highlight of the event attended by a large group of Swiss Circle members and friends. The Swiss Circle Sri Lanka is the only Swiss Club in south Asia, recognised by the Swiss Government. 


Photos: Manoj Ratnayake

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